tiny 55MB version released - One Nation Under LEE
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Yes! The movie One Nation Under LEE is now released again in tiny 55MB .3gp file that can be viewed on handphones, and transfered between handphones via BlueTooth. This is the smallest file sized version released, fastest to download and transfered between handphones.
The purpose is to let the movie be distributed via MMS & BlueTooth between handphones, adding on top of the power of Internet. Now there is GSM network & BlueTooth as additional media to carry and distribute the movie! :-)
The playback (viewing) length of this movie is 45 minutes.
Store it in your handphone's memory card if you have space. A faster way to copy between handphones than BlueTooth is actually via USB cables connecting both handphones to a laptop or PC. Usually the 2 handphones will appear as USB thumb drives, and you can just drag and drop across from one handphone to another. Time taken to copy this movie this way is 3 minutes or less.
The other versions are found on this blog at following URL:
One Nation Under LEE
:-)Yes! The movie One Nation Under LEE is now released again in tiny 55MB .3gp file that can be viewed on handphones, and transfered between handphones via BlueTooth. This is the smallest file sized version released, fastest to download and transfered between handphones.
The purpose is to let the movie be distributed via MMS & BlueTooth between handphones, adding on top of the power of Internet. Now there is GSM network & BlueTooth as additional media to carry and distribute the movie! :-)
The playback (viewing) length of this movie is 45 minutes.
Store it in your handphone's memory card if you have space. A faster way to copy between handphones than BlueTooth is actually via USB cables connecting both handphones to a laptop or PC. Usually the 2 handphones will appear as USB thumb drives, and you can just drag and drop across from one handphone to another. Time taken to copy this movie this way is 3 minutes or less.
The other versions are found on this blog at following URL:
One Nation Under LEE
Sammyboymod Thread